The Essential Role of Facility Management in UK Construction

The Essential Role of Facility Management in UK Construction


In the ever-evolving terrain of the UK construction sector, facility management plays a crucial role in guaranteeing the seamless functioning and enduring sustainability of constructed edifices. As construction endeavours grow progressively intricate, the need for effective Facility Management becomes more pronounced. This blog explores the critical role of facility management in the UK construction sector, supported by relevant statistics that highlight the industry’s trends and challenges.


The Growth of the UK Construction Industry:

Before getting into the significance of facility management, it’s essential to understand the context of the UK construction industry. According to the statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the construction sector has experienced steady growth in recent years. In 2021, the construction output increased by 2.4%, contributing significantly to the national economy.

However, this growth brings with it increased demands for maintaining and managing the infrastructure, buildings, and facilities. This is where facility management steps in as a crucial component in the life cycle of construction projects.


Statistics on the Importance of Facility Management:

1) Impact on Operational Efficiency:

    • According to a report by the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), effective facility management can contribute to a 15-20% improvement in operational efficiency.

2) Economic Significance:

    • The UK facility management market is estimated to be worth £121 billion, as reported by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA). This underscores the economic significance of the industry.

3) Job Creation:

    • Facility management is a significant employer in the UK, with over 600,000 people working in the sector, as per data from the Facilities Management Association (FMA). This not only highlights the industry’s impact on the workforce but also emphasizes its role in job creation.

4) Sustainability Considerations:

    • A study by the Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) indicates that effective facility management can contribute to a 20% reduction in a building’s energy consumption, aligning with the growing emphasis on sustainability in the construction sector.


The Role of Facility Management in Construction:

1) Lifecycle Management:

    • Facility management extends beyond the completion of construction projects. It involves the strategic planning and management of facilities throughout their entire lifecycle, ensuring optimal functionality and longevity.

2) Cost Savings:

    • Effective facility management can result in substantial cost savings. The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) reports that well-managed facilities can result in a 5-15% reduction in operational costs.

3) Risk Mitigation:

    • Facility managers play a vital role in recognizing and addressing risks linked to building operations. This encompasses ensuring adherence to health and safety regulations, reducing the likelihood of accidents, and addressing potential structural issues.

4) Embracing Technological Advances:

  • As technology swiftly integrates into the construction industry, facility management has become more tech-driven. IoT sensors, BIM Services, and smart building solutions are increasingly employed to enhance operational efficiency and responsiveness.


Challenges and Opportunities:

1) Skills Gap:

    • The UK faces a skills gap in the facility management sector, as noted by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Bridging this gap is crucial for the industry’s sustained growth and effectiveness.

2) Embracing Technology:

    • While technology offers opportunities, it also presents challenges in terms of adoption and integration. Facility managers need to stay abreast of technological advancements to harness their full potential.

3) Sustainability Integration:

    • As sustainability becomes a central concern in the construction industry, facility managers must integrate environment-friendly practices into their operations. This encompasses the implementation of energy-efficient systems, measures for waste reduction, and the attainment of green building certifications.




The role of facility management in the UK construction industry is undeniably crucial. The statistics presented underscore the economic significance and impact on operational efficiency that effective facility management can bring. As the construction sector continues to grow and evolve, the role of facility managers becomes increasingly vital in ensuring the sustainability, efficiency, and safety of built structures. By addressing challenges and leveraging technological advancements, the facility management sector in the UK can play a transformative role in shaping the future of construction.

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